WASHINGTON — Data compiled by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration indicates that nearly 13 percent of the commercial trucks operating during the first three months of the year did not have proper electronic logging devices.
Statistics weren’t available for motorcoaches.
“The 32,621 violations for violation code 395.22A, divided by 252,877, which is the total number of violations, equals 12.9 percent,” FMCSA said. “That is the percentage of violations that were ‘no ELD’ violations.
“The metric FMCSA uses to measure compliance rates is the number of driver inspections with no ELD violations — in this case, there were 32,819 driver inspections with at least one 395.22A violation, divided by the total number of driver inspections, 796,827, through March 20, which produces 4.1 percent of the driver inspections recording a violation of 395.22A.
“In other words, 95.9 percent of the drivers on the road were compliant with the HOS recordkeeping requirements at this point,” FMCSA said.
Although drivers were not supposed to be put out-of-service for such a violation until April 1, 20 drivers were put out of service for that violation, likely because the law enforcement officer making the stop chose to either ignore the April 1 date or the inspection/violation was so egregious that the officer chose to ignore the “soft enforcement” timetable.