PBA announces winners of inaugural scholarship awards

The Pennsylvania Bus Association (PBA) announced the recipients of its inaugural scholarship awards at the PBA Annual Conference in Ithaca, N.Y.

The program was developed to promote the higher education goals of operator members and their families, whether they are pursuing a college degree or a trade certification. The scholarships are underwritten by fundraising efforts that began in 2023.

The 2024 scholarship winners are Michelle Welch, referred by Operator Member Fullington Auto Bus Company, and Edward James Bankston, referred by Operator Member Anderson Coach & Travel. Each received a check for $1,000 and a plaque.

PBA scholarships
Left to right: Michelle Welch and Edward James Bankston with his father James (Scott) Bankston.

Welch, who is pursuing a degree in early childhood education, plans to become a second-grade teacher after graduating in September 2025.

“My goal is to maintain a 4.0 GPA while working two jobs until I finish college,” Welch said. “Since my degree requires a 16-week unpaid internship in a classroom, I will have to work in the evening to support my family. I want to encourage young minds to strive for excellence and inspire them that even though times are tough, things do get better with hard work and perseverance.”

Bankston, who will graduate in May 2026, plans to earn a Bachelor of Science in education and eventually teach in high school.

“Through my volunteering experience, I have learned that I enjoy being with young people and want to help them learn in a way they can understand,” Bankston said. “Every child deserves to do their best in school, and I want to have a positive impact on my community. I may eventually want to become an administrator and be involved in the sports program at a high school.”

Tammy Wolf-Baker, chair of PBA, presented the awards and thanked the Executive Committee members for their volunteerism.

To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must be employees or the dependent children of employees of PBA members who own and operate buses. The applicants must have been employed for at least one year by Jan. 1 of the award year and must already be registered as full-time students at a college, professional school, or trade school, maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.0 or the equivalent of a B grade.

To learn more information about the Pennsylvania Bus Association, visit its website.

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