Due to the current school bus driver shortage, a seventh-grader in Colorado took the matter of getting to and from school into his own hands, reported WMTW News.
Like many other schools across the nation, Josh Smith’s school district is facing a school bus driver shortage. So Josh, who reportedly stated he tired of calling or texting his parents for permission to ride the bus, decided to try something new.
Jason Smith said his 13-year-old son asked if he could kayak to school. He reportedly stated how important it was to support his son’s idea, being that it was outside his comfort zone.
The Smiths live in Silverthorne, about a five-mile drive from Summit Middle School, where Josh attends. But the shortest route is directly across Dillon Reservoir, reported Fox 8. The distance by water is about three miles.
“The easy answer would have been, ‘No, let me just drive you to school. If you can’t get on the bus, we’ll drive you to school, no problem,’” Smith told Fox 8. “But I have a 12-year-old who wants to be adventurous, wants to do something none of his buddies would do, and how can I say no to that?”
The news of Josh’s kayak commute spread sparked interest throughout his community. And the teen already has his next mode of school transportation lined up for when the weather gets cold. He plans to cross-country ski.
Reprinted with permission from School Transportation News. Read the original post.